Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Therapy for Panic Attacks

Anxiety therapy for panic begins with an intensive search for “why it makes sense”. Your biography
will be the key to treatment for panic attacks. These will subside quickly in intensity and frequency.
Panic attacks may continue but need medical support in order to learn in new
experiences which would previously evoke panic.

Anxiety Therapy for General Anxiety

Therapy for anxiety is the key to getting out of depression which is the result of unresolved anxiety over long period of time. The stress resolution process allows emotions to be experienced without numbing-out. Lasting treatment of general anxiety takes longer than a six month schedule of sessions but patients have been able to begin reconstructing their lives after three months and are well out of anxiety after the basic 6 month period.

Treatment for Chronic Stress

Symptoms of chronic stress may be much more subtle than a panic attack. These include: indigestion, loss of appetite, GERD, insomnia, overuse of social media – phone, reliance on friends/family, irritability, arguing and use of coffee, sugar, alcohol and other substances.

Therapy for Relationship Issues

Anxiety and chronic stress can cause havoc in many relationships at home with partners, at a job or in a career and with family members. This treatment will address the many ways you may have adapted to stress over time and the different behaviors that may result: Anger, sadness, uncertainty, self-doubt, over or under sex drive, bitterness or depression, to name a few.

Anxiety Therapy and Medication

Anxiety therapy may include the short-tern use of medications which are not the same as those used to treat depression. If depression is a major symptom of anxiety due to long stage symptoms and no relief. Dr. Denning can work to coordinate medication with a General practitioner or other specialist.